Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sports Injuries, or How to Lose Your Fingernail

The boy smashed his finger a few weeks ago in the high school weight room. It was a pretty gruesome injury and his fingernail almost immediately turned black.  

***WARNING - Graphic Picture***

Being the overly protective mother that I am, I took him to Urgent Care the next night when his finger swelled up considerably and was hot to the touch. After a quick trip to X-Ray we were informed that thankfully, it was not broken. The Doctor drilled three small holes in the nail to drain off some of the blood and pressure and sent us on our way. 

My son plays sports and is in the middle of Track & Field season, so I was very happy to hear that he did not have any restrictions and was cleared to play. He throws shot put and discus, and is right-handed so smashing the middle finger on his right hand was going to be problematic. 

I would love to brag about my son's athletic accomplishments, but that's not really why you are reading this post. 

We cleaned the finger daily with hydrogen peroxide and kept it bandaged during track and football practice (yes, football has already started again!). He did not have much pain, but about a week after he smashed it, the finger began to bleed profusely. This turned out to be a blessing as all of the old blood drained out and his finger could really begin healing. This almost meant that he was going to lose the nail. 

The nail fell off last night. You can clearly see where the weight it the nail bed and caused the bleeding. Not pretty. My poor baby. (Mother's guilt)

***WARNING - Graphic Picture***

Missing fingernail - lost due to smashing with a weight
Guess who qualified for league finals in shot put? Yup, the boy with the missing fingernail!

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