Monday, December 27, 2010

Back to work

Another busy day serving the public. The combination of the holiday and several people being on vacation made for a busy, though uneventful day. I suppose I would rather be busy than sit around doing nothing, so it was tolerable.

OS update

Boot camp starts in a week. I am nervous but excited. As a perpetual procrastinator I left getting prepped for it until the last minute. Tonight, after a nutritious meal of pizza and breadsticks, which nicely complimented my lunch of tamales and sugar cookies, I hopped on the elliptical for my first attempt at High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Tonight's workout consisted of a two minute warm up, followed by 5 intervals of 20 seconds high intensity and 40 seconds of normal intensity, ending with two minutes cool down, for a total of nine minutes. It may have only been nine minutes, but I finished out of breath and sweaty. I need a lot of work!!

I started the day with the best intentions for my food choices. I packed bran flakes and some clementines for breakfast, and string cheese, a hard boiled egg and salad for lunch, with an apple thrown in there for luck. What I ate was bran flakes, three tamales, two sugar cookies and pizza for dinner. Quite the deviation. Note to self - stop doing that!!


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