Monday, May 13, 2013

Hooray for May Julep Mystery Box

I just received my Hooray for May Julep Mystery Box.  The box is still available on if  you hurry. 

I received a total of 6 polishes, including the gift one that was packaged separately in a cute little blue bag. 

The colors I received are :

Korin - Must be the new mystery bright. It is not on the website. It is a yellow green neon.

Chelsea - Violet, silver and purple glitter (Duplicate polish so this is going on ebay!) Ebay listing

Dakota - Rose gold metallic creme (gorgeous, but another dupe) Ebay listing

Amelia - Light champagne frost

Annette - Light dove gray creme

The polish in the gift bag was:

Jackie - Maraschino cherry creme

This box was different in that it only included polish. There were no beauty products hair ties, polish remover packets or even nail files. Just polish. 

Value - $84 which exceeded their bottom range of $70 but was nowhere near $200. 

Maybe one day I will get a high value box, or the elusive golden box. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sports Injuries, or How to Lose Your Fingernail

The boy smashed his finger a few weeks ago in the high school weight room. It was a pretty gruesome injury and his fingernail almost immediately turned black.  

***WARNING - Graphic Picture***

Being the overly protective mother that I am, I took him to Urgent Care the next night when his finger swelled up considerably and was hot to the touch. After a quick trip to X-Ray we were informed that thankfully, it was not broken. The Doctor drilled three small holes in the nail to drain off some of the blood and pressure and sent us on our way. 

My son plays sports and is in the middle of Track & Field season, so I was very happy to hear that he did not have any restrictions and was cleared to play. He throws shot put and discus, and is right-handed so smashing the middle finger on his right hand was going to be problematic. 

I would love to brag about my son's athletic accomplishments, but that's not really why you are reading this post. 

We cleaned the finger daily with hydrogen peroxide and kept it bandaged during track and football practice (yes, football has already started again!). He did not have much pain, but about a week after he smashed it, the finger began to bleed profusely. This turned out to be a blessing as all of the old blood drained out and his finger could really begin healing. This almost meant that he was going to lose the nail. 

The nail fell off last night. You can clearly see where the weight it the nail bed and caused the bleeding. Not pretty. My poor baby. (Mother's guilt)

***WARNING - Graphic Picture***

Missing fingernail - lost due to smashing with a weight
Guess who qualified for league finals in shot put? Yup, the boy with the missing fingernail!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Goodies.Co March Box

I finally received my March Goodies.Co box. Apparently, there was a delay in receiving some of the items which resulted in the boxes being shipped late. I received mine later than most, but that's ok. Based on the spoilers, I was not that excited about it. 

The theme of this box was Rise and Shine and featured breakfast foods. 

On to the contents of box - 

belVita Breakfast Biscuits, Cinnamon Brown Sugar

Fig Newtons, Triple Berry

Erin Baker's Breakfast Cookie minis, Double Chocolate Chunk

Rickland Orchards All Natural Greek Yogurt Bar, Blueberry Acai

Ola! 100% Natural Handbaked Granola, No Nut Vanilla

Rip van Wafels Caramel Filled Amsterdam Waffle

Jovan's All Natural Instant Breakfast, Creamy Vanilla

Bonne Maman Strawberry Preserves

Of the eight items in this box, I could eat two, possibly three of them. Everything has wheat in it! The only items I can eat are the strawberry preserves, and the Greek yogurt bar. The ingredients are not listed on the instant breakfast pouch, but the allergen statement leads me to believe that wheat is not an ingredient. America's obsession with wheat based breakfast foods items is a topic for another post, but I am a little disappointed in the lack of wheat free offerings. I hope plans on offering gluten-free taster's boxes soon. The boys will eat most of the offerings in the box, but we are planning a family-wide move away from wheat products and I hate to spend $7 a month on a box when 3/4 of it is not edible. 

Friday, March 29, 2013

Julep April Maven Box Unboxing

My Julep April Maven Box arrived today! I think this is the earliest and fastest I have ever received it.

This month's theme is "The Brights" and focused on bright colors. I went with the Bombshell box this time for a number of reasons, but I just really liked the colors offered. 

This box was not as heavy on the freebies and extras this time, but that is ok. I think the Mighty Nail and Cuticle Serum make up for that. 

The colors in the Bombshell Maven Box this month are:

Ally - Electric Blueberry Frost 

Janel - Pink Raspberry Frost

Both are beautiful colors and look great in the bottle. There is a definite hint of shimmer to them.

The only other item in this months box, besides the serum and the two colors was a stick of purple rock candy!

I am once again pleased with my Julep subscription. They are, by far, my favorite sub box. Great job, Julep! 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Home Improvement Project - Part One: That Grout!

My husband purchased our home in 1998, long before we met, fell in love and wrote our happily ever after. When we met he had this awful blue carpet in the house. He had picked it out and was actually pretty proud of it. Men. I hated it. Hated.It. It was bad.

Fast forward a few years and we got engaged. Once we set a wedding date, the boy, and I moved in. The first project in making his house into our home was to do something about that carpet. I found a great deal on some beautiful 20x20 travertine tiles and convinced him to rip out the carpet and put the tile down. Which brings us to our first mistake. The son of a good friend of ours did tile for a living. He was a good kid (still is, don't get me wrong) and needed the work so we had him install our tile while we were away for a week on our honeymoon.

We came home from our week away to unfinished floors. Granted it was almost 1,000 square feet, but he had a week and still wasn't done. We had even removed all of the old flooring and prepared the concrete slab. All he had to do was lay tile. So he rushed to lay the rest of the tile and really rushed to put down the grout. Hindsight being what it is, we really should have stopped him at that point and have him redo the grout, but we were tired from traveling and just wanted our house back.

The grout held up all of a couple of months before it started crumbling and falling in. In some places, the entire grout line was gone. It was awful and so frustrating. At first we attempted to patch the spots because we thought they were isolated air bubbles. They weren't. The entire grout job was bad and would need to be redone. 

We started scraping out grout, by hand. It was a long, tedious process and made worse by the fact that it was preventable and just a lazy, rush move on the part of the installer. Eventually, we gave up on trying to get the rest of the grout out. We kept saying to each other "we really need to redo the grout" but the irritation about the situation and the back breaking work involved just led to that job being put off. 

Years passed, and we went on with our daily lives, with grout free floors. It was a pain to vacuum every grout line to get the dirt and dog hair out, and the edges of the tiles started to chip away with daily wear. We started tossing around the idea of hiring someone to do the grout for us, but we were really over the tile at that point. Then my love started mentioning wood floors. 

We had originally considered wood when we first did the tile but decided against it, mainly because of our dogs. If it wasn't for the grout issue, I probably would not have replaced the tile. It was nice, easy to clean, looked good and kept the house cooler in the summer. It did have some downsides - mainly the grout and the fact that what kept the house cool in the summer made it impossible to keep warm in the winter. So we started pricing wood flooring. 

Right away, we decided that hardwood and engineered were out. While they were very nice, and I found more than one that I loved, they were really out of our price range. We have plans to sell this house and move out of California once our son graduates high school in 2015, so we did not want to invest too much money in flooring that we would only enjoy for two years. That brought us to two options - A) redo the grout or B) laminate. 

We choose B) laminate. After a very short search, we settled on this. Charisma Coles Hill Chestnut from Lumber Liquidators. It was a nice color, and in our price range. I would have preferred to get a hand-scraped flooring but maybe in my next house. 

Coming soon - Part Two: Bye Bye Tile!

Influenster Sugar n' Spice Vox Box

Back in January, I signed up for Influenster. Influenster is an online community for product reviews and opinions. You can read all about them here. A big, and fun part of being an Influenster is the opportunity to get Vox Boxes. Vox Boxes are themed product boxes that are sent out to selected members. I was lucky enough to be picked to receive the Sugar n' Spice Vox Box. This is my very first box so I was very excited to get the email saying I was selected to receive one!

I was so excited to see that orange box on my front porch last week! (We have been redoing our floors, or I would have posted this sooner.) You will also have to forgive my lack of pictures! I thought I had taken more before I broke into my box and started using everything but obviously, I didn't. 

The theme of this box was "Sugar n' Spice" and there were some great full size products in it. 

If you have ever tried spray sunscreen then you will be familiar with the concept behind spray lotion. I was a little skeptical of spraying on lotion at first, but I like it. It is a little thin and not as intensely moisturizing as Vaseline's Intensive Rescue line (my favorite affordable body lotion) but it is a good product.

Nectresse Sweetener and Recipe Booklet  $3.99 for box of 40 packets
Nectresse is from the makers of Splenda and is made from monk fruit. The box says it is 100% all natural, and the ingredients are: erythritol, sugar, monk fruit extract and molasses. I am trying to phase out artificial sweeteners so I am looking forward to trying this. I am not thrilled about the erythritol, but it is supposedly derived from glucose using yeast and not an artificial chemical. I need to do more reading up on it. 

I think everyone has used witch hazel on their face at some point, especially if you were blessed with acne as a teenager. These wipes combine witch hazel and aloe to "clean and rejuvenate" your skin. I love the concept of face cleaning towelettes but have yet to find one that doesn't irritate my skin or cause my face to break out. I was very excited to see these because I do not think that they would be something I would have picked up on my own. These also came with not one, but FIVE coupons for $2.00 off. I am a sucker for a coupon so I really hope these don't irritate my skin.

Colgate Optic White Regimen - Toothpaste, Toothbrush and Mouthwash Toothpaste - $2.99 for 4 oz tube, Mouthwash - $2.99 for 8 oz bottle, Toothbrush - $2.99 per brush
Three products? Awesome! This regimen, meaning all three products used together, is supposed to give you noticeable whiter teeth in five days. As a coffee drinker, I hate the way it stains your teeth, but I am always wary of whitening products. At the very least, the toothbrush is purple so that made my day. I am looking forward to trying this "regimen" out.

belVita Breakfast Biscuits in Cinnamon Brown Sugar $3.69 for a box of 5 packets of 4 biscuits each
This is the third time I have received belVita biscuits in a sub box or tester box. I'll be honest, I haven't tried them, and I won't. I do not eat wheat, and I try to stay away from processed foods that have ingredients that I cannot pronounce in them. I am sure my teenage son will eat them. That boy eats everything! This item was the only item in this box that I won't use.

Overall Value - $30.63

I have invites available so if you are interested in becoming an Influenster, please let me know. 

Please note, that I received all of these items complimentary for testing purposes from Influenster. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Julep Spring Mystery Box Unboxing

It's been awhile since my last post. Bad blogger! I know, but life gets in the way. We are in the middle of replacing our tile floors with wood, and the house is a mess! That project will be another post. Hopefully soon!

I received my Julep Spring Mystery Box today! The price on this box was $24.99, which is higher than their usual price of $19.99 but I am a sucker for mystery boxes so I couldn't resist.

I received box #3 according to the invoice included in the box. I did not purchase any add-ons this time. I am still kicking myself for not getting the Purple Reign add-on set that was available for March. (Speaking of March - I LOVE the Rock Star Hand Cream.)

On to the Spring Mystery Box.

I received:

One Step Polish Remover Pads - $9.99, $7.99 Maven

Nail File - $1.00 (This item is not listed on the site) 
They are great, sturdy files. 

Hair Ties - $3.00 (Again, not listed on the site) 
I just bought a three pack of these from Nordstrom for $6.99 so I am guessing at the value. I made the switch to this style of tie a few years ago and will never go back. They work great on my curly hair and don't rip out my hair. 

American Beauty Volumizing Mascara - $24.00, $19.20 Maven 
This is my second mascara from Julep. I just opened the first one, but I like it. It's not fantastic, but for "free" I'll keep using it. 

I also received four polishes. I saw where some people only received three.

Portia - $14.00, $11.20 Maven
Sheer tropical blue with opalescent glitter. Very pretty and will look great with or over Claire

Claire - $14.00, $11.20 Maven
Bright sky blue creme. Very springy. I think it will look as an Ombre with Annie from the Fall '12 Trina Turk collection

Camille - Not available online yet
I am pretty sure this the guaranteed mystery color. It is a clear opalescent glitter. It looked good on its own and should be good over another color. 

Parker - $14.00, $11.20 Maven
Golde tangerine creme. This is definitely a color I would never pick for myself. It is a nice color in person and would look good as part of an easter egg polish with a different spring color on each nail or as an accent. I don't think I am brave enough to wear it on its own. 

This box was a good value, even if I didn't win the diamond earrings. Retail (not Maven) price for everything came to $93.99, which is a great value for $24.99. 

I love Julep. I have said it before and I will say it again. Great products, great service. If you are interested in signing up, please use the links in this post and don't forget to use the code PENNY to get your first box for only $.01 plus shipping!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

March Julep Maven Colors

Julep just released their March Maven colors! 

This is also the first month for the new Modern Beauty profile. Modern Beauty replaces the American Beauty profile is a product based profile. This means that instead of nail colors, you get product. March's Modern Beauty's will receive the Rock Star Hand Creme and the Glycolic Hand Scrub. 

I am a Classic With A Twist girl and I will actually be getting my profile's box this month. Purple is my favorite color and I do not have any pastel lilacs in my collection, so Simone will be a good fit. I also like the look of the smoky taupe creme. I think that will go well with Ginger, the sand holographic from last month. 

Which Julep box are you getting?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

We don't do Valentine's Day

Mention February 14th and you immediately think of hearts and flowers, candy and Cupids, love and happiness. Valentine's Day, or the Feast of Saint Valentine is the most lovey-dovey day of the year. Couples shower each other with cards and gifts. Restaurants are packed and florists are run ragged. For some, it is their favorite day of the year. Not us.

My husband and I have been together for ten years this summer, and married for over five of those years. We don't celebrate Valentine's Day. We both feel that if you can only truly express how you feel for each other on one day of the year, then your marriage and relationship has problems that flowers and jewelry are not going to solve. 

Say "I love you" everyday. Do something special and meaningful, no matter how small, for your significant other often. Think of them before you think of yourself. 

1 Corinthians 16:14 - Do everything in love

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February PopSugar Must Have Box

The moment of truth arrived today - my PopSugar Must Have box for February appeared on my front porch. This is only my second month, but January really underwhelmed me. Come on, February! Redeem January and make me a believer!

Uh-oh, not off to the best start. Upside down in the box. Not a big deal at all, but.....

The goods. . . 

Must Have Fashion #1  - Brokedown Spa Wrap ($84 value)

Cute wrap, and super soft but One Size Fits All which means One Size Fits Some but not me. Barely fits around my chest and is way too short to be decent. I don't really want to be flashing my bits and pieces with a teenage boy in the house. Hello, ebay! This also included a 30% off discount code to be used at

Must Have Fashion #2 - Hanky Pankys Thong ($20 value)

Yes, that really is the color. My husband says he could wear them to work since he is required to wear safety orange. Color aside, they are really soft and will actually make their way into my drawer. They are one size fits all, though. Hate that!

Must Have Food - Mariebelle New York's Tresor Box, Dark Chocolate Pearls ($20 value estimated)

These are not listed on the Mariebelle website so I am guessing at the value. Good, but not that exciting. They have a biscuit center, which means wheat products. I don't eat wheat. Maybe my son will like them. 

Must Have Beauty - Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain in Crush ($7.50 value)

I am always on the hunt for good lipcolor and I hate reapplying so I am a fan of stains. This looks like a color that will work on me, unlike the baby pink lipgloss that came in my Julep Cupid Mystery Box. 

Must Have Entertainment - Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks book and song download ($5 value)

I am an avid reader, when I can find the time. I am not a romance reader. Romance novels, chick-lit, chick flicks, etc. do not really interest me. Will I read it? Probably. I read everything, but it is not a book I would have purchased for myself. 

Must Have Home  - Connoisseurs Quick Jewelry Cleanser ($8 value)

Yes! Something I can actually use. I was just thinking I needed jewelry cleanser. I am guilty of cleaning my rings with an old toothbrush so this actually excites me. 

Special Extra - Conversations Hearts

Last, but not least. Conversation Hearts! My weakness. Thank goodness, Valentine's is only once a year because my sweet tooth loves Conversation Hearts. I can kill a bag in one day. Best part of the box!

I really, really wanted February to wow me and it might have, if not for the two One Size Fits All items in this box. One Size Fits All is a very risky gamble. Not everyone is a size 2-12, or a woman for that matter. You risk alienating a fairly large portion of your audience by giving them items that will not fit them. The average woman is a size 14, outside of the range of most OSFA items. 

The overall value of the box is great. I figured the value of all items in the box is right around $145, which is great for a $35 box. However, I am just not getting the happy feeling I get with Julep

Oh, PopSugar Must Have - how I wanted to love you. Unfortunately, I just don't think it is going to work out between us.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Julep Cupid Mystery Box Unboxing

My Julep Cupid Mystery Box arrived today! They are still available on the Julep site for $19.99. You receive 5 polishes, so this is a great value! The polish regularly sells for $14.00 or $11.20 for Mavens, making it a $70 value for regular buyers and $56 for Mavens, excluding the bonus item.

In my box I received 4 colors, the new mystery holographic and a lip gloss. Unfortunately, I did not win the $1,000 Visa gift card or get any jewelry from Baublebar. That's ok. I am very happy with my colors for the most part. 

My colors are:

Lauren Classic With a Twist - Hot Topical Pink Creme

Lucy It Girl - Modern, Dark Burgundy Creme

Susie Classic With a Twist - Muted Mint Green Creme

Eileen American Beauty - Trina Turk Fall '12 Antique Bright White 

Evangeline American Beauty Mystery Holographic - It appears to be a rosy coppery holographic. This color is not yet available on the Julep website, but the label leads me to believe that it will be released very soon. This was also the only color with the new swatch sticker on the cap. 

and as an added bonus

Camellia Lip Gloss - Light, frosty pink lip gloss

I like Evangeline, Lauren, and Lucy, a lot. I think Eileen and Susie will grow on me. I hope. Mint Green is not really my color but it might work well as an accent nail color, or as a spring pedicure color. Light pink lip gloss does not work for me. I like that they sent a bonus item, but I will not be wearing this. Looks like an ebay or trade item for me!

I painted my nails last night using Lauren, Harley and Chelsea. Lauren is a bright pink! Definitely a summer color, but I like her layered with the Chelsea glitter. I just did a quick a dirty paint job so this is Revlon Colorstay base coat, one coat each of either Lauren or Harley, one coat of Chelsea and Freedom topcoat. It would look better with two coats of Lauren, but ehhh. Whatever. I just wanted to see how it looked. 

BzzAgent Review - Café Escapes

As a BzzAgent I get the opportunity to try out new products. BzzAgent is a social marketing company. As an agent, you complete surveys and based on your responses and social activity, you are provided with products to review. I will sometimes go months without receiving a campaign and then there will be times like now when I am participating in five. Being a BzzAgent is a great opportunity to try out products that I might not normally purchase. 

One of my campaigns right now is for Green Mountain Coffee Cafe Escapes. Cafe Escapes are k-cups for Keurig coffee makers. I love my Keurig. I am the only coffee drinker in my house and it is nice to be able to enjoy a cup of coffee whenever I want, without the guilt of wasting an entire pot just to have one cup. 

I received quite the selection of k-cups from Cafe Escapes and have not had a chance to try them all yet. Here are the flavors I received. 

  • Chai Latte
  • Cafe Caramel
  • Cafe Vanilla
  • Milk Chocolate Hot Cocoa 
  • Dark Chocolate Hot Cocoa

So far, I have tried the Cafe Caramel and the Dark Chocolate Hot Cocoa. They were both good, but the Cafe Caramel was a little too sweet for me and had a cloying caramel taste. The Dark Chocolate was excellent and I could see myself buying these to keep on hand for those cold winter days when you need something to warm you up. 

I really like Green Mountain Coffee products and they are one of my go-to brands for k-cups. The variety is outstanding and they are available almost everywhere. 

If you are willing to take the time to tweet, facebook and share your experiences with new products then I highly recommend signing up for BzzAgent

Monday, February 4, 2013

New Julep Mystery Box

Julep has launched a new mystery box just in time for Valentine's Day!

Four colors plus a mystery holographic (I love the sand holographic and get so many compliments on it) or a voucher for a color of my choice? Plus the chance to win $1,000 or jewelry? Yes, please!

I am a big fan of Julep and they have yet to disappoint. I purchased the New Year's Mystery Box and loved everything in it. I purchased this as soon as it came available to Julep Facebook fans. I received notification that it has already shipped so hopefully I can post a review in the next few days!

UPDATE: I received my box! Check it out here.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

February Julep Maven - Bombshell

My February Julep Maven box arrived today! Just in time, as my current manicure is going on two weeks and looking awful. I switched base coats to Revlon Colorstay Longwear Enamel Base Coat and love it! Minimal wear and chipping, I just started experiencing peeling today which is Day 10. Best $8 I have spent in a while. 

Back to the Julep Maven box!

I picked the Bombshell box this month. I really loved the look of the Olive Khaki and Sand Holographic. 

Currently, the Freedom Top Coat is only available as a pre-order with shipments starting February 7th. I am very excited about this top coat. 

Here are the details from the Julep site:
  • Polymer force field protects nail color from chips, dings, and dullness twice as long as regular top coats
  • Quick-dry formula cures under regular light in three to five minutes (depending on brightness and proximity to light source); no UV light required
  • For best results, cure under a 60-watt light bulb for two minutes and re-apply every two to three days
  • Remove with ANY polish remover, including gentle, non-acetone formulas
  • Dark sealed bottle keeps light-curing formula safe and pliable
  • 4-Free formula contains no formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin, toluene or DBP

Laura - Olive Khaki Creme and Ginger - Sand Holographic

Both polishes included the new swatch stickers on top. 

Extra Goodies:

Eyelash Curler - I can't figure out how to work this one. It is also slightly damaged. Hopefully I can just push the part that has popped out back into the curler. This is not yet available on the website yet.

Hello, grout line! 

Chocolate Hearts - Cute touch for Valentine's Day

I love everything in this box. Hands down, this is my best sub box so far this year. Well worth $19.99.