Friday, January 25, 2013

It's Here! January Pop Sugar Must Have Box

My Pop Sugar Must Have box arrived today! I had already viewed spoilers online so I knew what was in it and the suspense was not really there. 

It's here, it's here!

I have to admit, I was still just a little bit excited to open it up.

I wonder what could be inside!

The Details

Sorry! The picture quality sucks!

Must Have Fitness

I am not quite sure if this is something that will get any use in my house. I may end up giving it to my mom, or *gasp* putting it on Ebay.

Must Have Fashion

The Remix Timebomb Watch - Black  $44.95 (link is to a similar watch)

The packaging indicates that this is a Pop Sugar Exclusive. It is a huge watch and my teenage son ending up snagging it. The LED lights are neat, but definitely have the potential to be seizure inducing. 

Must Have Beauty

OMG, I love this stuff. Thank you, Pop Sugar for feeding my lip balm addiction. 

Must Have Food

My husband snagged the milk chocolate one and broke off a piece before he read that you are supposed to stir it into a mug of steamed milk. It is really good! The chocolate is very smooth and I doubt we will use either one in its intended manner.

These taste just like the little marshmallow pieces in Lucky Charms cereal. They have the exact same texture as well. I always used to pick out the little marshmallow pieces when I was younger so I am thrilled these were in there. It's the little things that make me happy. 

Special Extras

I was glad to see these are gluten free, but disappointed to see so much soy in the ingredient list. I try to stay gluten and soy free as much as possible due to food allergies so I don't think I will be trying these. I guess my boys will have a few surprises in their lunches on Monday.

Unfortunately, Casetagram does not have cases for my phone so I may be passing this along to someone in my family who has an iPhone. Cute concept and a high value coupon. The cases appear to be in the $35-$40 range so $15 off is a great deal.


All in all, the retail value exceeds the $35 price tag. Was it a good value for me? Not really. I don't have a need or desire for the high value items (watch and stability ball). Was it a good value for others? I am sure it was, just not for me. 

I will probably get the February box, but if that one fails to wow me I don't think I can continue to justify the high price tag. I already subscribe to Love With Food, Cravebox and Julep; and just found out I will start getting The Goodies.Co box as well. I want to like Pop Sugar, I really do. Please wow me in February!

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